Webmaster Services

Wikipedia defines a Webmaster as: “A webmaster is a person responsible for maintaining one or more websites”.  For us the key word is ‘responsible’, and we take that very seriously.  You can trust SGW to look after ALL aspects of your websites, including:  


Keep software up to date (including anti-spam software),  world class Hosting, daily Backups (see below).  Keep up with web & browser standards and new threats/risks.


Proofing (spelling, grammar, correct meaning & good keywords) and creating appropriate text, images and video.  Respond quickly & accurately to change requests; provide suggestions/ideas as appropriate.   Make changes transparent to website visitors.


Ensure good page-loading speeds, optimise content as required. (Also depends on good Hosting)


Deliver functionality as designed, confirm Browser & version compatibility, comprehensive usability, find & fix any broken/dead links and other bugs/errors.


Daily backups, also copied to a remote site to ensure full Disaster Recovery capability.


All SGW websites include Google Analytics, with client logins.

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